Saturday, June 16, 2012

"Surely this is our God..."

Is this real life?

One year ago this, my not yet broken in leather sandals touched the dust of a beautiful land in the throes of a subtropical Asian summertime. That six month journey, traipsing over ever what seemed every hill and province of our faraway home changed everything. It's impossible to describe how we were altered. I a wcannot eat rice anymore because boxed rice is disgusting. I can no longer drink things with ice in them. My heart twinges every time I hear the faintest strain of music or a word of news from that foreign land. What a beautiful, broken place we were called to. Every day my heart aches to be back there again. It is now my weighty responsibility to do everything in my power to prepare every facet of my life for a career in permanent overseas service. So many debts to be paid (love those student loans). Graduate school (again). Become a certified educator. Take care of a few other not so minor things. Shouldn't be difficult, right? Above all, I want to preach the gospel faithfully in my every action and word.

Today my leather sandals now worn and packed with the dirt of many miles are resting in my new home in Bolivar, Missouri.

Where I graduated and recieved my diploma from Southwest Baptist University...

Where I moved apartments...and then moved once again....

            Where I began (and ended) a short, wonderful term as a substitute teacher for the Bolivar schools.

                         Where I continued to fall deeply in love with the profession of caring for children   with special needs.
 Where am currently on some version of a summer vacation...working part time as a nanny...volunteering...attending weddings...and loving on friends and roommates.

          Where I have taken up the part time profession of an "innkeeper" as various friends travel through and stay for a day, a week or a month at a time.

Where I am enjoying so many sweet, quiet moments of prayer, reflection and fellowship with my love, Jesus.       

 Where I will make my home, as a wonderful new opportunity has come up in the fall. (More about that soon...!)

I am staying. There were so many factors involved in my decision to remain here (until the Father calls me elsewhere or I am able to return overseas).

      --I have a wonderful church family. I am learning and growing so much with them and I love them deeply.
     --I have a wonderful group of girls who I have been leading in Bible studies for three years...they are now going to be in high school this fall and I want to see them through this time of transition.
--I have a deep love for the people of Bolivar. There are so many who are lost and hurting here. I believe the Father has placed me here as an "m" for this season of time...
--I have a deep love for the students of SBU. I am continuing to live with them, to walk in deep friendship with them, to pray for them and support them in every way I can. One of my deepest joys in that avenue has been to send out my dear brothers and sisters on their own journeys to six months in service all over the world. What a privilege it was to encourage and pray over them, to answer questions, and to assure them that I'll walk with them through tough transitions as they return.

The last six months have been a cataclysmic roller coaster of emotion.The first two months home were anything but ideal...unemployed, often ill and full of darkest doubt and fear about where I belong. There's nothing like being overseas and then returning to what can only be described as an alternate reality in the states to make you feel homeless. I had no idea until very recently that it would be possible to stay in Bolivar. I have longed to belong somewhere, as so many friends have gone on to jobs, schools, and other amazing opportunities around the world. I felt abandoned here. Why had He left me behind when everyone else got to move forward?

I think are a few things that I was to learn during this season. One, that my wild, traveling gypsy of a self needed to learn to be in one place for a change. And not just geographically. I needed (and still need) to learn to be still in every ounce of my being, and know that He is God. Not to be planning the next overseas trip or other adventure...but to learn how to remain here and trust Him while I watch others go during this season.

Some anointed conversations with dear friends in the last few months have led me to remember that we are not to feel at home in this world. We are citizens of another place entirely...and never will we feel comfortable until we return to our Father's side. I love getting excited with friends from the family of faith about how AMAZING our restored earth will be...everything that was good and wonderful about earth will be perfectly filled with the beauty of the Father.

When was the last time I paused to really think about that? To live in the reality that the kingdom is coming, and before we know it, we will be sitting at this feast, beautiful beyond our imagination, alongside restored people from all nations, living together and praising the Father all our days.
I think I'd like to go tomorrow. Those flashes of the kingdom to come are so tantalizing sometimes.
So why remain engaged here? Why not just strap in, sit back and be along for the ride until the Day comes?

For me it is because I want so badly for others to know what I know. I want my family to know. I want my neighbors to know. I want my coworkers to know. I want the residents of Bolivar, Missouri to enter the kingdom with me. I want every man, woman and child I met in South Asia to enter the kingdom with me. I long to say that my life has been focused in every aspect toward that goal. That all might know. That all might celebrate. That all might overcome depression, addiction, hurt, lust, and deepest pain to abide in True Love. I long to be able to hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant" and take my place at the great feast.

“On this mountain the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine— the best of meats and the finest of wines. On this mountain he will destroy the shroud that enfolds all peoples, the sheet that covers all nations;  he will swallow up death forever. The Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove his people’s disgrace from all the earth. The Lord has spoken.  In that day they will say, “Surely this is our God; we trusted in him, and he saved us. This is the Lord, we trusted in him; let us rejoice and be glad in his salvation.”  Isaiah 25:6-9

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